• Hiseda Company Limited

    The utilization of logo and symbol will present the reputation and is the objective evidence on management and technical competence of accredited bodies.



    Hotline: 0937979763 OR 0901358521

    Email: hc-info@hiseda.com
    Working time is from Monday to Friday.
    Morning from 8:00 to 11:40, afternoon from 13:00 to 17:00.

On site Calibration

For our customers’ efficiency in term of time and cost, we provide Onsite calibration service.

With this service, customer will economize transport time, decrease cost, take the initiative and have no impact on production.

Request of Onsite calibration service:

- Customer contact us when have requirement

- Customer always support all problems and supply fully information while we work at company of customer.

- To ensure best calibration result, we need workplace safe, clean, ensure standards of engineer and environment, …






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